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Valentine’s Day couples in Emery County


Lannie and Glenys Sitterud on their wedding day.

Lannie and Glenys Sitterud
True Love in Castle Country – I think that my parents, Lannie and Glenys Sitterud from Emery, signify true love. They have been married for 46 years. I see them as a great example of love and how to make a marriage work. They are each others best friends and do everything together. They do everything together, and have for 46 years. They fish, they quilt, they hunt, all my life I have never seen them apart, and all my life I could feel and see the love.
Bill and Helen Pace
“Bill and Helen Pace for sure are a golden couple. Aside from their love for each other they are the truest form of love for all. We absolutely love them,” said friends/family.
Pete and Em McLaughlin
Pete and Em McLaughlin are Castle Dale residents. They’ve been married for more than 68 years.
They have lived in six states over their married life and retired to Emery County where they have lived for the past 33 years.
The McLaughlins have raised three wonderful children, have five grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. They’ve been through thick and thin and keep on loving each other.
Granddaughter Genette Gist Williams said, “They are my example of what marriage means. Going through life with full commitment to each other every single day.
Pete recently celebrated his 90th birthday. The couple is spending this winter in Arizona where they are enjoying the sunshine.
Terry and Eileen Lofthouse
Terry and Eileen Lofthouse are two amazing people with a strong love and commitment through many of life’s hurdles.
Garth and Lori Labrum
My mom is an Orangeville native. She met my dad through Joylynn and Mark Humphrey. Joylynn and Mark were attending USU and said they knew someone my mom should write to. He was on a mission in California. They wrote for two years. The weekend he got home from his mission they met for the first time (June) and they were married Aug. 19, 1977. They lived in Cornish until 1982/83. Moved to Castle Dale then to Orangeville. They have four kids. Three girls and a boy. My oldest sister, Tammy Gale, has three kids. Alexis, Kayden and Koy Gale. They live with my parents in Orangeville. My brother Barrett is a pediatrician in Logan. He has six kids. Morgan, Maxwell, Issac, Eli, Molly and Fin. I live in Gilbert Arizona. My name is Nancy Brown. I have two kids. Tyler and Grayson and Nicky is the youngest with one son Tesi. My sister’s son, Kayden had a kidney transplant when he was three right about the same time my son Tyler was born weighing one pound. Tyler is handicapped with multiple disabilities. Kayden is doing great. My parents have been there to support all of us as often as they can. Last year my dad was found unresponsive and was in the ICU in Price. He has recovered but we realized what a rock he was to everyone. My mom has a lot of health issues now and my dad is always willing to do what he can. He is always selflessly serving her. We love them both and are so glad for their example of love they show. My mom still teaches at Cottonwood Elementary. My dad retired but farms with Magnusons. He is always been one to not stay still for long.

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