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Green River golf team plays in home match


Green River golf: Morgan Bastian, Kole Hunt, Payton Romero, Back Row: Rad Hughes, Tyson Giles and Sam Corrigan.

The Green River golfers have been to a match each week as they have started their 2018 season.
Tyson Giles has been a top golfer for Green River High the past few seasons. Last week he finished second of all the golfers at the meet in Moab. This was the rules clinic where golf pros refreshed the memory of the golfers on how to play the game of golf and the rules involved.
On this day the golfers from Green River were able to finish first as they beat Pinnacle and Monticello. These are the two teams in the same region as Green River.
Green River wasn’t able to field a girls golf team, but Morgan Bastian will compete as an individual girl at all the meets.
Kole Hunt, Payton Romero, Rad Hughes, Tyson Giles and Sam Corrigan are the Green River golf team members. Each meet will see the top four golfers scores counting on the point total for the team.

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