At the September Huntington City Council meeting the secondary water system turned out to be the hot topic of the night. Citizens of Huntington were surprised when the City’s secondary water lines went dry in mid-September without any prior notice that this would occur. The Huntington-Cleveland Irrigation Company notified the City that the water would cease to flow just prior to the lines going dry and there was no efficient way of notifying the citizens that this was going to happen.
The reason given by the irrigation company was that the lakes were at their minimum and flow needed to stop.
At the meeting Lee McElprang, during the public comments period, was adamant that the water needed to be turned back on, that farmers depend on that water to water their herds in the fall. He stated that there was water running down the river and that that water belonged to the City.
It turned out that the water in the river was there due to a malfunctioning gate above the power plant that didn’t close. McElprang offered to turn the water back on by opening the head gate.
In other business, the Council approved a business license for Three Rivers, Inc., and a construction company owned by Thomas Potter that was closing an office in Cedar City and moving the office to Huntington. The Council also approved a bid by Eckles Paving for a crack and seal project on the walking trail north of town. The bid was for $8,977, about half the other two bids. The Council also accepted a bid by Semi Service, Inc. for a sander and snow plow for the City’s new truck.
The Huntington City volunteer fire department was complimented for their quick actions in putting out a fire in a trailer. The department also posted notice that they were accepting applications for people wanting to join the group; the city has a need for more volunteers. Call the City office or stop in and talk to one of the workers if interested.
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