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Donuts with Dads



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Castle Dale Elementary PTA sponsored “Donuts with Dads” on Sept. 27 from 7:30 to 8:20 a.m. This was time for dads to come to school and read to or with their children. “Dads” included not only fathers, but grandfathers, uncles, or friends. Many of the dads had to rearrange their work so they could come to school and spend this time. It goes a long way to show their children how important they are and also the importance of reading. While they read they were treated to donuts with milk or orange juice. This is the first time we have tried this so we really didn’t know what to expect. We were pleasantly surprised to have to set up more tables and chairs. Donuts went fast and the PTA went after more. More than 120 students enjoyed spending time with their dads. Many of them took their dads around the school afterward to show them the building and classrooms. The next scheduled “Donuts with Dads” is Nov. 22.

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