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Target Practice



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Capt. Kyle Ekker takes careful aim at the bowling pins.

The Emery County Sheriff’s Office recently participated in target practice and physical conditioning at their training facility on Des Bee Dove Road. Deputies began by pulling a 150 pound log for 50 yards, afterwhich they pulled two tires to bring their heart rate up. They then picked up a 90 pound bag and carried it for 50 yards where they dropped it and did pushups.
Their guns were lying disassembled on the table and they put their guns together, loaded their magazines and then proceeded a short distance to the firing line.
Capt. Kyle Ekker and Det. Sgt. Bob Blackburn accompanied the shooters and supervised the putting together of their weapons. At the firing line they shot at 40 targets, reactive steel and bowling pins.
This was a timed event and Deputy Shon Roper finished with the fastest time. Capt. Ekker was second, Deputy KC Alton, third, Det. Greg Funk, fourth, Deputy Brook Smith, fifth and Deputy Shaun Bell, sixth place. All shooters who participated received a prize.
Capt. Ekker said, “Local businesses donated prizes for the deputies and a dutch oven lunch was held at the range. We appreciate the support of the businesses for this training event.”

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