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The Emery High Rodeo Team held their rodeo on April 19 and 20 at the Emery County Fairgrounds in Castle Dale. Participants from all over the state of Utah were on hand to compete in traditional rodeo events. Events included: steer wrestling, calf roping, bareback, bull riding, saddle bronc, team roping, breakaway, goat tying, pole bending and barrels. Producers for the event were: rough stock, Clegg Championship, roping stock, Gordon and Malone. A dance was also held in conjunction with the Carbon High Rodeo Club at the Castle Dale Arena. Kortnie Anderson was named Miss Congeniality in the queen contest. Emery High Rodeo Team consists of Kortnie Anderson, Clif McElprang, Kade Allred, Kerwin C. Jensen, Colton Allred, Kalvin Cunningham, Chet Allred, Cole Sherman, Seth Weber and Revis Rogers.

Judy Lang, Martin Wilson and Sheriff Guymon present Shaydon Johansen’s award.

The Emery County commissioners met in their regularly scheduled meeting on April 16 at 9 a.m. Those present were Commissioners Randy Johnson, Drew Sitterud and Ira Hatch. Also present was Dave Blackwell, county attorney and Sheriff Lamar Guymon.
The first item of business was the approval of the check edit list, additional claims, requisitions and dispositions presented by Bruce Funk, county clerk.
Sheriff Guymon was next on the agenda with a presentation. He said, “Shaydon Johansen was home alone when he heard someone rattle the front door. Someone he didn’t recognize walked around the house to the back door which was also locked. Shaydon took the telephone and locked himself in the bathroom and called 911. Two officers responded and they were able to pick-up the suspect a couple of blocks away. Shaydon gave a very accurate description of the person which led to him being apprehended. Shaydon did all of the right things and because of that we would like to honor him with a certificate for bravery and a reward.”
On hand to help present the award to Shaydon was Martin Wilson the DARE officer from the sheriff’s office and Judy Lang who is the neighborhood watch coordinator for the county. They commended Shaydon for his presence of mind and applying the things he had learned in school about safety. Shaydon lives in Huntington and was at home that day due to illness.
Pat Snowball, personnel director was next on the agenda. She presented for consideration and approval the amending of the personnel policy regarding work hours. “It has essentially the same wording; the workdays will be Monday through Friday eight hours per day. Any changes will need prior approval by elected officials.”
The resolution amending the personnel policy was approved. The next item was the ratification of penalties and interest abatement for a citizen.
The next item was the ratification of clarification regarding a memorandum of understanding with the state of Idaho for use of the county’s platting program in the Feb. 5, meeting minutes. The next item which was the consideration and approval of a MOU between Emery County and the United States Forest Service defining the relationship and duties of the forest service and Emery County was tabled until the next meeting.
The next item was the approval of the contract to undertake local historic preservation projects under the Certified Local Government program. Kathleen Truman explained the project which would be undertaken. She said, “We will be rehabilitating the windows at the Pioneer Museum. We have been given a grant for $4,500 for this project. It is a matching grant, but the match can be inkind. We have until August of 2003 to complete the project.”
It was determined the matter would be tabled until the matter could be discussed with Castle Dale City in their next city council meeting.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of an employee contract for the history projects. Truman explained, “This is a replacement for Kolene Durfee who has taken a job at Wal-Mart. Dottie Grimes is taking her place in a 90-day appointment.” The employee contract was approved.
The next item of business was the consideration and the appointment of the judges of elections and satellite registrars. The names Clerk Funk submitted for approval were: In the Emery #1 precinct, Jane Manchester, Barbara Sehestedt. Ferron #2 Evelyn Huntsman, Katherine Singleton and Laurie Pitchforth. Ferron #3 Idonna Dugmore, Diane Barney. Clawson #4 Delaina Nielsen, Betty Hatch and Helen Wright. Orangeville #5 Jeannie M. Hinkins, T. Kim Leffler and Sandra Oman. Castle Dale W. #6 Zora Peacock and Susan Keele. Castle Dale E. #7 Eileen Lofthouse and Lorie Rogers, Huntington E. #8 Loyette Holdaway, Shirley Partis and LuRene Swinburne. Huntington W.#9 Joann Shannon, Loraine Campbell and Michelle Anderson. Cleveland #10 Annette Wells, Dan M. Wells and Lorraine Jensen. Elmo #11 Georgena Hansen, LaRue Lofley and Lucille Wilson. Green River #12 Sandi Silliman, Rea Dawn Rowley and Vickie Bayless.
Clerk Funk explained that the election judges come from the caucuses and those positions are to be filled by April 1. If the Republican and the Democratic parties do not fill these positions, then the clerk’s office makes recommendations. The majority party is allowed two judges and the minority party is allowed one judge. The majority party is determined by the party who received the most votes in a general election for governor, attorney general, state auditor and state treasurer. This majority has to be determined with votes for candidates who are not running unopposed. The date for the primary elections has not yet been determined. Training for judges has tentatively been set for June 3. Clerk Funk also reminded everyone that the Republican primary will be a closed primary and those not registered as a Republican will not be allowed to vote in that primary.
Commissioner Hatch was concerned about the difference in the pay between the election judges and the satellite registrars and recommended that the pay be equal.
Two motions were made and approved to appoint the election judges and satellite registrars and to approve the day rate increase to equalize the pay.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of the 2002 property tax exemptions list. The next item on the agenda was the approval and signing of a quit claim deed to clear ownership on a piece of property.
Commissioner Johnson said, “Utah Power-PacifiCorp has made a donation of $2,800 to the Emery County Fair this year to help pay for the tents. We appreciate them doing that for us.”
The next item on the agenda was the minutes from the previous commission meeting. The minutes were tabled until the commissioners could look over them further.
The commissioner’s reports were next on the agenda. Commissioner Hatch said they had received some good information in the Utah Association of Counties meetings which they had attended recently. He also said he is meeting with the joint highway subcommittee soon for an update on the Moore Road and the Goblin Valley project.
Commissioner Sitterud mentioned that in one of the meetings he attended that UAC stressed that when counties do business with agencies to make sure you turn the liability back to the agency you are working with.
The next item of business was to discuss the GASB requirements to see where the county is in meeting these requirements. The employees from the clerk’s office assured the commissioners that they are finished with the GASB requirements and that auditors are coming in two weeks for an evaluation.
The meeting was adjourned. The next commission meeting will be on May 7 at 4 p.m.

Margaret Swasey and Mike Leschin at the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry, site of last year’s BLM National Public Lands Day

Margaret Fugate-Swasey has been named a winner of the Bureau of Land Management’s 2002 “Making a Difference” National Volunteer Award.
Margaret was born in Kennewick, Wash., where she lived until age 17. She came to Emery High and finished her senior year in Castle Dale. “My parents wanted to move home and they drug me down here with them. I was familiar with the area because we had visited many times. My dad’s family the Fugates were among the first families in Molen.
“I spent summers here with my grandparents and I saw a lot of the desert and mountains of the area when I was a kid. When we moved here I missed the big city culture and activities. I saw the only recreational activity in Emery County as, ‘chasing frogs on the ditchbank.’ I loved the desert as a kid. My father took us camping and showed us how to take care of the land. I grew up with a respect for nature.
“After graduation I worked at various jobs around the area in grocery stores, insurance company and at the state tax commission. I also helped family with their grazing permits on the desert.
“When they first started the meetings for the Wilderness Study Areas nobody wanted wilderness. The people here generation after generation have been good stewards and were happy with the status quo. The WSAs were established anyway. It was frustrating. In 1996 I attended my first Emery County Public Lands Council Meeting. Talk then was of the National Conservation Area and the National Heritage Area. I approached Val Payne and told him I would like to become involved in the process. In 1998, I became the recreation subcommittee co-chairman.
“I have been involved with the National Public Lands Day at Cobber Globe where we built some buck and rail fencing to protect the mine site from unnecessary intrusions from ATVs. We built a trail which winds through the area. We installed chainlink fencing for safety. We also did some restoration work along Devil’s Canyon. We had about 150 people attend. It was my first time organizing a big event and I was scared to death. It all worked out though. Congressman Chris Cannon was a little late getting there and we took him on a moonlight tour to see the work that had been done. It was an awesome sight.
“Public lands day is a joint effort involving BLM and the county. The next year public lands day was at the Wedge. We poured concrete around the bathroom, installed buck and rail fencing and installed fire rings. Everyone did a great job. They also cleaned up areas. A rehabilitated peregrine falcon was released and returned to the wild. It was exciting to watch the bird fly away. The National Acting Director for BLM at the time was Tom Frye who attended as did Congressman Cannon and Sally Wisely, state director for the BLM.
“The state BLM people have really supported us. Last year we held public lands day at the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry. We laid one-fourth of a mile of concrete walkway. We build fences and did clean-up work. Some excavating was done along the ridge facing to see how deep the sandstone was. We worked on the trail. The work done will help handicapped users enjoy the quarry more with easier access. It was hot out there but everyone did a wonderful job. The cement trucks couldn’t get in there so the cement had to be wheelbarrowed into where it needed to go. It was a lot of work, but it looks great. We had about 180 people out that day. We also had scout groups and their leaders who were fantastic helpers. Two golden eagles were also released at the end of the day. It was a very moving experience. The sun was just going down and everyone on the hill was silhouetted and lit by the sun as they released the eagles. They were released in honor of those who lost their lives on September 11 and for military and police officers everywhere. It was a neat experience it just sent chills all through me.
“This year we will be working at the head of Sinbad in the Swasey cabin area. We are going to work on restoring the roof to the cabin. The fence is also going to be moved from directly around the cabin to farther back, this will make it look better for photographs to restore that fence. Work will also be done to reroute the road to the cabin. Recontouring will be done and replanting of vegetation. Work will be done for a parking area, restroom and cement work.
“Some reclamation of pioneer routes will be done to eliminate those and restore it back to nature. We will also designate dispersed camping spots. It should be a fun project. Work will also be done to fence and protect archaeological sites in the area.
“I really enjoy public lands day, although I am always a nervous wreck the week before. Everyone comes through and makes it happen. I’ve had so much help from Val Payne, Randy Johnson and Dick Manus. The BLM has been great to work with, we worked with Tom Gnojeck at Copper Globe, Wayne Ludington at the Wedge and Mike Leschin at the Quarry. Dick Manus has been to all of the public lands days and Sam Espinoza from the BLM has been invaluable. We will work with Tom Gnojeck again at the head of Sinbad this year. It’s been a tradition that anyone that wants to can come out the night before and camp. Dick always feeds us pie and ice cream. This way we’re out there bright and early the next morning and can relax a little the night before. Sheriff Lamar Guymon always brings his search and rescue group out and they have been great support.
“Mike Leschin is the one who nominated me for this award. I am just one among a group of people and can’t take credit for anything. I will accept the award for the entire recreation subcommittee. Mike forwarded me an e-mail with a list of people on it and my name was on there. I couldn’t believe it. This is quite an honor. This is the last thing I ever thought I’d be doing, going to Washington, D.C. to receive a national award. They give the winners an all-expense paid trip back to Washington on May 29-31 to receive the award.
“My sister will accompany me on the trip. My brother works at the Reagan National Airport and we will also see him. My little brother is one of the heroes from September 11. He was with the second wave of firemen and paramedics who went into the Pentagon that day.
“I have never been east of Colorado before so this is totally new to me. I hope others can go with me because they deserve recognition too,” said Margaret.
Leschin said, “They have been giving out this award since 1995. Margaret will be honored at a ceremony on May 30 in the south penthouse of the main interior building. BLM dignitaries have been invited to give out the awards. Kathleen Clarke who is the national director and Gale Norton, secretary of the interior could be on hand. Nationwide each year people volunteer 750,000 hours to the BLM, either as camphosts, trail guides, public lands days and other volunteer projects. We couldn’t come close to meeting our workload without these volunteers.
“I nominated Maggie because she is very good at organization. We have a lot of people that come out and want to help but it’s almost imposssible to use them one on one. But, when someone like Maggie organizes them into a group then we can get things done. I am not surprised that she won she is extra helpful.
“I am delighted with the work that was done at the Quarry last public lands day. I would like to thank them all again. We couldn’t have poured that sidewalk without the skilled volunteers. BLM has plans for future improvements to the Quarry. We have a team coming from the University of Utah who will be here digging the week after Memorial Day. We also have a lot of school groups who come out here on field trips. We have sent the bones from this site worldwide. People from Emery County have been great to volunteer and I’m happy to see Maggie recognized,” said Leschin.
Margaret said, “I enjoy the desert. I feel at home out here. The desert has a healing property. I just love to drive and find a nice place with a view and just sit. It heals the soul. I work at the GIS department for the county, gathering information on Emery County’s roads. We find documentation on maps that prove uses and prove that a road is there. In the old days when people went from there homes to gather wood or go out to work they would start out in their wagons and took the easiest routes. This use continued for generations. They would just go around something if it was in the way. Sometimes they built dugways, but they didn’t waste time or energy. If a road existed prior to 1976 it is considered a RS-2477 road. We also do photographic surveys of all the roads. I’m always looking for volunteers who would like to go with me on these trips to the desert. I work with Mick Robinson and Lee Rasmussen in the GIS department.
“I am very excited to go to Washington. My sister said I had to buy a new wardrobe which means I can get a new hat and boots,” said Margaret.
Fugate-Swasey also serves as a non-federal member of BLMs volunteer program adjunct team, which acts as a field advisory committee to BLMs national volunteer program office in Washington, D.C.

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