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Castle Dale City Council Holds Public Hearings


Much of Castle Dale City Council’s recent meeting was taken up with two public hearings. The first was to hear comments on the addition of three to six one-way streets to the planning and zoning development code. Mayor Neal Peacock explained that the council has no plans to designate any street as one-way, but this change will allow for that designation if deemed an absolute necessity in the future.
As there were no questions or comments from the public, Mayor Peacock closed the public hearing. The council then approved the addition of this rule to the planning and zoning code.
The second public hearing was to hear comment concerning adoption of Ordinance 4-8-03, which is a business license regulation and fee structure to replace the existing ordinance dated June 10, 1975. The question was asked if this new ordinance would be enforceable. Doug Weaver answered that this new ordinance has built in penalties that are specific and very enforceable. He also stated that all people who do business inside the city must be accountable and this new ordinance addresses that need.
The councilmembers then discussed the fee structure aspect of the ordinance. Weaver informed the council that this could be done by resolution at a later date. As there were no questions or comments from the public, Mayor Peacock closed the hearing. The council approved the adoption of this ordinance.
Brad Giles reported that the drainage project is moving along, and all the easements have been secured. He informed the council that a walkthrough of the project would take place the following day. The sidewalk projects are also moving ahead.
Giles requested investigation into the possibility of annexing the new courts complex into the special service district. He has also received a letter of complaint from a resident near the high school about the litter problem from the school when the wind blows. He then reported that a survey needs to be completed concerning the moving of the power poles on Center Street and he is continuing the pursuit of an alternate cemetery.
Weaver explained to the council the 21st Century Community awards. There is a substantial monetary gain offered by Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments for cities and towns that complete this process. There are numerous assessments to be made and much of his time will be allotted to this task.
Dan Whiteleather reported that the high school rodeo is upcoming and preparations are in place for that event. The wall at the baseball park restroom that had been knocked down is scheduled for rebuilding this week. He also reported that the citizen who is mowing the baseball field is doing this work on his own time with his personal equipment. That citizen had to replace the engine and Whiteleather asked for the citizen to be reimbursed for the cost of the engine replacement. The council approved.
Mayor Peacock informed the council of his appointment to the BLM sub group in charge of dispersed camping, education and enforcement. He also stated that he has received a letter from the special service district with a clarification agreement of the responsibilities of each entity concerning the water. Mayor Peacock requested that each councilman read through the agreement and write his feelings and comments for consideration.
Mayor Peacock also notified the council of some residents beginning to water their yards and lawns with culinary water. Jack Rogers, councilman over the water responded that he would notify the residents that this activity is illegal and make the regulations clear to these people.
Rogers then reported that Darrel Leamaster has notified him that the secondary water would be turned on sometime during the week of April 21. Emery County is at about 73 percent of normal with the statewide average being 67 percent. The outside watering restrictions will tentatively be the same as last year, a resident can water any three days a week from 6-10 a.m. or 5-9 p.m. Rogers emphasized his willingness to educate the public about efficient lawn watering methods.
LaMont Gordon reported to the council concerning the swimming pool. He stated that Dean Webb, a safety engineer from Salt Lake, had been to the pool and city hall building to do an inspection. Webb has pointed out several items that need to be taken care of including the installation of a new fan in the swimming pool and the lowering of a chimney at the pool building.
The buildings were all found to be structurally sound and safe for use. Fan installation and chimney modification projects were discussed and the council made the recommendations to Gordon to get the work done as soon as possible.
Other actions taken by the council were the adoption of a new city zoning map, contributions to two students to allow their attendance at girls state and recommending that the meter readers who did the work last season be reinstated.
The sheriff’s office has requested that the town’s skateboard park be closed at 10 p.m. The mayor assigned the ordering of the signs. Kerry Lake, city planning and zoning officer also reported that the sheriff’s office has agreed to remove their sign from Center Street.
The next meeting of the Castle Dale City Council will be May 7 at 8 p.m.

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