Water issues took up much of the time during Huntington City Council’s April meeting. Mayor Jackie Wilson informed the council that the letters have been mailed out to all residents explaining the water restrictions and schedules for outside watering. It is extremely important that the city educate the citizens of every possible way to conserve water.
Mayor Wilson stated that those who abuse the restriction guidelines will need to be dealt with immediately. There is not enough water available to let abusers slide this year. Also, absolutely no culinary water can be used for outside watering. There are residents who have had the choice to hook up to the secondary system and declined, so they will not be allowed to use culinary water in their yards.
There are a few residents who do not have access to the secondary system and those residents have been notified that their use of culinary will be on the same schedule as the secondary system. Should the drought become worse and necessitate the secondary system to be turned off, absolutely no culinary is to be used for outside watering.
The council looked at another water issue during the meeting. Resolution 2-2003 requires new businesses to pay the connection fee and give the city a share of water. This resolution was discussed extensively and tabled until next month.
The council approved several actions during the meeting including; donations to Emery County Community Theatre and Hannah Anderson to go to Girl’s State. Business licenses were granted to Chris Morrill from the
Mony Group and Presto Industries to sell cleaning products.
Kendall Gundersen, representing the youth city council, reported to the council of the groups activities. He said that they had helped the Lion’s Club with the Easter egg hunt and informed the council that leadership camp is in June. He requested ideas for workshops.
Jeff Adams from 21st Century Communities explained to the council how its program works. From the Smart Growth program, the 21st Century Community program evolved to better suit rural communities and help them to recognize and accomplish their goals. The program requires that cities and towns attain different levels by assessing their particular town’s goals and ideals. The first three assessments are mandatory. These three help a city or town recognize and pinpoint its needs.
Adams informed the council that there is also a monetary award that comes with each level attained in the program. The council discussed the value of the program, not only for the monetary gain, but to help the leaders of the community realize and work toward some common goals.
Mac Mills from M&P Associates, requested the city of Huntington sell him a parcel of land adjoining his property. This three acre piece of land would help square up his land to ease the fencing project that is upcoming. Councilman Mark Justice informed Mills that the city council is not at liberty to authorize the sale of city property. Justice said they could start a process of appraisal and advertising.
The mayor and council members that were present gave their individual council reports. Several items were discussed and approved to be scheduled on the agenda for the next meeting. The meeting will be held May 21 at 6:30 p.m.
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