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Macbeth comes to Green River



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Macbeth, played by Alem Brhan, is distraught following the murder of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth, played by Barbara Suiter, tries to reason with him.

The Utah Shakepearean Festival’s educational troupe was in Green River recently for workshops and a performance of Macbeth. During the afternoon, the actors hosted workshops for the residents to attend and learn many stage techniques. The Green River Community Center sponsored the event, along with Green River High School.
The actors who compose the troupe are from across the United States and have all auditioned to become part of the Utah Shakespearean educational troupe. They travel around the six state area performing Shakespeare’s Macbeth in schools, civic centers, and community centers. The troupe performs six-seven times a week for three months. Each of the actors have been to acting school and college, and all hold a degree.
Their performance of Macbeth in the Green River High School auditorium was a shortened version of the original play, and lasted a little more than an hour. The performance was followed by a question and answer session in which the audience could ask the cast questions.
Company manager Susie Pierce opened the evening with thanks to the community center and the high school students who assisted them during the day with the workshops and setting up the performance. “The cast of this performance of Macbeth are all professional actors and have auditioned for these roles. Robert Tobin and Barbara Suiter are from Los Angeles, Calif., Brian Edgecomb is from West Palm Beach, Fla., Trey Teufel is from New York City, Allison Batty is from Chicago, Ill., Lee Turner is from Alabama, Kate Galvin is from Vermont, and Alem Brhan who plays Macbeth in tonight’s performance is from Boston, Mass.,” said Pierce.
Each of the actors played multiple roles for the play, with the exception of Brhan in the role of Macbeth.
The setting for the play is Scotland during the times of great battles for power, and fates being foretold by witches. Macbeth is drawn into a plot to kill the king and become king himself. His ambitious wife, Lady Macbeth, drives him to commit a series of murders, thus enabling her to become queen.
Green River residents were treated to an evening of Shakepeare’s version of the tragic results of greed and ambition.

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