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Republican committee nominates names for Clerk replacement

By PHIL FAUVER Guest Writer

Emery County Commissioner Ira Hatch stunned the regularly scheduled meeting of the Emery County Republican Party Central Committee March 28, with the news, that Bruce Funk had resigned as Emery County clerk/auditor and that the county commissioners had accepted his resignation.
Discussion of the vacancy in the office of county clerk/auditor followed Commissioner Hatch’s announcement that Bruce Funk had resigned that office. Hatch read the Utah State Statute requiring the Emery County Republican Party Central Committee to nominate three individuals within 30 days to fill that vacancy. The Central Committee voted to nominate three individuals immediately rather than wait until April 5 after the county convention as was suggested.
The three persons nominated to fill the vacancy in the office of clerk/auditor were Carol Cox, Brenda Dugmore and Jana Lee Luke all of whom now work in that office.
Those names will be forwarded to the Emery County Commissioners where they will select one that is qualified to fill the office of clerk/auditor until after the November general election and the public votes for and selects the next clerk/auditor. The person nominated and selected by the commission will fill the office until the term of office expires.
With the upcoming June election in less than 90 days the County Commissioners Hatch and Drew Sitterud expressed the opinion it was important to nominate three people soon.
The person that the commissioners select will have to be trained in running an election for the county and in the use of these new voting machines from Diebold Election Systems Inc. The person selected by the commissioners will learn how to handle the task of training election judges and poll workers as well as how to use the Diebold voting machines.

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