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Little Miss Peach Blossom

The Ferron Little Miss Peach Blossom will be held Aug. 30 at 6 p.m. at the Emery High School auditorium.

New organization needs volunteer

A volunteer is needed to find grant money, fill out applications, and do public relations work to fund the Emery Scholarship Fund. For more information contact Tyler Jeffs at 381-2333.

Grazing Management Tour and Training

Interested in seeing 100 cows per acre grazing? Then plan to attend a Management Intensive Grazing Tour and Training on Aug. 13 at 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., LDS Church Farm Beef Feed Lot, 12800 West 17600 South, Elberta. Speakers will be: Merrill Oram, manager of the LDS Feed Lot and William Merkley, Merkley Research Farm. For more information or to participate contact San Rafael Conservation District (435) 381-2300 (ext. 113 for Roger or 101 for Mary) by Aug.11. Materials and lunch will be provided. Transportation arrangements are being made.

Seeking Help

At Narconon Arrowhead we specialize in drug and alcohol addiction treatment. If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction, our counselors are ready to help you by calling 1-800-468-6933 or go to www.stopaddiction.com. They offer free counseling, assessments and referrals to centers nationwide.


Play Millsite for the front nine, ride your ATV to Green River, and play Green River for the back nine. This event will take place over three days with camping in the state parks adjacent to the golf courses. Vehicles will be transported by the Emery County Sheriff’s Office. For more information call Eugene at 1-435-564-8882, Dan at 1-435-687-2491, or Drew at 1-435-381-2119.

National Energy Foundation Super Tour

National Energy Foundation’s “Think! Energy Super Tour.” This is an opportunity to receive a basic understanding of Utah’s energy issues, and how energy is developed, distributed and used. This three-day workshop will be held Aug. 1-3 and will provide background information on, and in most instances visit sites associated with: solar energy; methane generated electricity; nuclear energy; tar sands; oil and gas; hydro electric energy; coal mine methane recovery; mining and reclamation; coal mining and electric energy. If you would like more information, or to make arrangements for attendance at any or all events, please call Sam Quigley 1-435-613-5508 or email at squigley@emerytelcom.net.

Peach Days at Emery County Care and Rehab

Raffle tickets will be available to benefit Emery County Care and Rehab. Items to be raffled are: 270 Winchester Ruger M77 rifle; two vacations for two adults and three children to 28 different locations; quilts; BBQ and utensils; ATV storage cover; and more. There will also be a baked sale, food and entertainment at the center. Festivities began at 10 a.m. Will accept bake sale donations. For more information contact 384-2301.

Aircraft Carrier Nimitz

The Nuclear Attack Aircraft Carrier USS NIMITZ is currently deployed to the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. More than 40,000 of our citizens have served in The Great Ship Nimitz over the past 32 years. She will serve our country for at least 18 more years for a total of 50. “The USS Nimitz (CVN-68), Association is searching for Shipmates (Ship’s Company, Staff, Squadrons and Detachments) who served on board the Nuclear Attack Aircraft Carrier for a ship’s reunion in Nashville, Tenn., June 19-22, 2008. For more information contact Joe Brunner at waldoj@cox.net., or 1-619-466-2132 or log onto www.ussnimitzassociation.org for membership.”

Canyon View Registration

Registration at Canyon View Jr. High School for the 2007-08 school year will be held as follows: Aug. 7, 9 a.m.-noon for ninth graders, and 1-4 p.m. for eighth graders; and Aug. 8, from 8:30 a.m.-noon for seventh graders. The seventh grade registration includes an orientation for students and parents. The orientation will be held at 9 a.m. and repeated at 11 a.m. Parents who are registering more than one child and for different grades may choose the most convenient time from those listed. Registration packets will be mailed prior to registration. If you do not receive a packet, contract the school.

Dinner and Western Show

The Bar G Wranglers will perform at the 777 ranch in Ferron on Aug. 17-18. A chuckwagon dinner is at 6 p.m. with the show beginning at 7 p.m. Costs are $20 a person for ages 10 and up and ages 3-9 are $10.

All-star Cheerleading

Emery All-star Cheerleading has six openings on their elite competition team, ages 9-18 years old. If you are interested or for more information call Becky at 687-2632.

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