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Lady Spartans volleyball season winds down



By GARY ARRINGTON Sports writer

Abbie Kay in front gets ready for the ball.

Lady Spartans still searching for answers
As the 2007 volleyball season winds down, the Emery High Lady Spartans are still searching for answers to such basic questions as to why and what happened. With a good nucleus of veterans back this season, the players and coaches were quietly optimistic coming into the season. Unfortunately, the team too often displayed a Jekyl and Hyde characteristic.
Talking to coaches, players and parents offered no clues as to why the team continued struggling. It is true that Region 8 is a very competitive volleyball league and that several teams are perennial powerhouses but it was not that long ago that Emery High was also in that class.
With only a game at Carbon High remaining on the schedule as the team will miss the playoffs for the second straight season, the Spartans in their last three games got swept by North Sanpete and Delta but lost in five to Juan Diego. According to one coach, “We play great one minute and then we don’t.” That about sums up the entire season.
With a strong junior class and with a good bunch of sophomores and freshmen on this season’s squad, let’s hope that all will go well for next season and that the players and coaches prepare and put in the time and energy to succeed.
The scores against North Sanpete were 13-25, 23-25 and 14-25. The scores against Juan Diego were 25-19, 14-25, 6-25, 25-20 and 9-15. The games against Delta were competitive.

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