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Letter to the Editor: How Callous our Souls


My, my, how we have changed. You ask how we have changed. Never in the history of this nation have so many people been so willing to accept so much evil and hate the good, ignore the right and choose the wrong, or as the Savior said, “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.”
Recently as a story was airing on Fox News, the anchorman paused, and in a most concerning voice, straining with emotion, told the viewers that the scenes they were about to witness were very disturbing. We held our breath as we waited to see this very disturbing scene, a scene that was supposed to shock us to our souls because whatever had happened was terribly gruesome. Then we saw it, a football coach stomped on a pheasant that had been turned loose on the football field by a couple of teenage boys.
Yet, day after day that same news station airs footage of the carnage in the Middle East of bodies bleeding and blown to pieces-never once expressing any horror at this loss of life. Thousands of babies are slaughtered daily in the name of reproductive rights and never have I heard this anchor man express grief over their deaths like he did at the time the coach stomped the pheasant.
Though I do not condone cruelty to animals and there is another side to this story, I do hope they had the good sense to not waste the bird and that someone had a good pheasant dinner. Millions of children, and I mean children and not some mass of tissue, but living breathing children are slaughtered to hide our immorality and dark consciences while the anchor men and women of this world stand idly by. How dark the day is.

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