The July 2008 meeting of the Emery County School District Board of Education was held at the district office.
The board voted to approve the reappointment of Superintendent Sitterud for two years. This is a procedure the board must go through every two years. Commissioner Sitterud recommended to the Board that the following persons be approved beginning employment at the start of the appropriate contract period for the 2008-09 school year:
Larry Davis principal at Emery High; James Jones for principal at Canyon View Junior High; Brindi Mangum self-contained Special Ed Teacher for a half day at Cottonwood Elementary; maintenance department workers, Wayne Huntsman, Wayne Maxfield, and Brett Jeffs:
Superintendent Sitterud presented policies to the board, recommending that each be approved or revised as presented: JICI: Dangerous Weapons in the Schools, a policy revision necessary to meet Utah Code and to further clarify weapons definitions.
JFAB: Admission to School-Resident and Nonresident Student – a policy revision necessary to meet the requirements of new legislation passed this year.
JQ-E: Annual Fee Schedule, changes to the computer, home economics and school activity fees at Emery High. Otherwise, all fees are the same as the 07-08 schedule. The board approved the changes and revisions. Superintendent Sitterud presented a copy of the updated Sharp Survey, mentioning that it needs Board approval every two years. The board approved the survey.
Superintendent Sitterud presented a request from the Castle Valley Pageant to rent buses for the 2008 pageant. Terms would be the same as in past years.
Sitterud explained that Risk Management has recently stipulated that Schools Districts not rent buses to other parties unless an existing commitment was already in place.
He recommended that based on the existing commitment with the pageant, the Board go ahead and approve the rental of buses for the 2008 Pageant. There needs to be an understanding that the district will not be able to rent buses for future pageants unless further clarification is received from Risk Management, indicating that the district will be covered while renting buses to other parties.
The board approved the agreement to rent the buses, but will have further discussion on the renting of school buses in the future.
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