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CVSSD replaces faulty water pipeline in Ferron


"The trouble spot for the water leak has hopefully been repaired."


The Castle Valley Special Service District received a $172,600 grant from the State of Utah Drinking Water Board State Revolving Fund. CVSSD manager Jacob Sharp said, “The purpose of the grant was replacement of the existing pipeline that has deteriorated due to the gasoline contamination in the ground. Since the discovery of the gasoline contamination in June of this year the District had repaired three pipeline failures, the last of which was the night of Sept. 13.
At this time the District felt it needed to do something or the line could continue to break and cause further damage. In addition to the culinary water line breaks the secondary line in this same area had failed and been repaired in two places, beneath State Street from Canyon Road to Molen Road and across Molen Road at this same intersection. The District had also replaced approximately 150 feet of mainline sewer that had been infiltrated by the gasoline contamination.
The District applied, and was granted the funding at the first of October. The project was then added to the District’s Drainage and Waterline Project for 2010. The contractor for the project was Terry R. Brotherson Excavating from Mt. Pleasant. Brotherson had also done some waterline replacement in Castle Dale as part of the 2010 capital projects.
The total cost of construction and material for the project was $133,353.24. The engineering and inspection costs have not been finalized.
Any remaining money from the grant will be kept by the State.

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