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Tiffany Hansen, Chandler Tanner


"Tiffany Hansen, Chandler Tanner"

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Chandler Tanner and Tiffany Hansen announce their marriage in the Salt Lake Temple on Dec. 18, 2010. A reception will be held in their honor that evening at the Mapleton Community Center in Mapleton, Utah from 6-8 p.m. An open house will be held Dec. 28, 2010 at the Heritage Home in Huntington from 6-8 p.m. for all family and friends.
Chandler served an LDS Mission in the Mexico, Mexico City South mission and is in his second year at Harvard Law School. Tiffany received her cosmetology license as well as an associate degree from the College of Eastern Utah. Tiffany is currently at Brigham Young University studying elementary education and will transfer to BYU-Idaho Online learning to complete a bachelor’s degree. She served an LDS mission in the Florida Orlando Mission. The couple will live in Boston while continuing their educations.
Chandler is the son of Mark and Nanette Tanner of Orangeville. Tiffany is the daughter of Clyde and Marjorie Roach of Spanish Fork and Kim and Michelle Hansen of Mapleton.
Chandler’s grandparents are Delile and Elda Hinkins of Orangeville and Harvey and Afton Tanner of Blackfoot, Idaho. Tiffany’s grandparents are Nanette St. Pierre of Sandy, the late Duane Hansen, and the late Robb and Geneil Robinson.

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