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To the Searchers

By The Bairds the Sumpsions the Mangums and the Jensens Castle Country

Dear Editor,
Emery County, we would like to publicly express our gratitude and appreciation for your help in finding our daughter and brother-in-law who spent the night lost and stranded in the desert shortly after Thanksgiving.
Family and friends came running when they learned of our need. Lots of people came to help that were complete strangers to us but friends of friends, several coming from Price to search.
We would like to thank the search and rescue people and especially the Jeep Posse, who would not give up. Thank you James Byars and Ross Christiansen for following the road to the end when many others of us had given up on it. Thank you Jake Mangum and Ryan Johansen, members of our family that wouldn’t stop and stayed out the entire night. We’re proud to be related to and associate with the people of Emery and Carbon counties.

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