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The power of pink: supports cancer fighters


"Family and friends gather in support of those fighting cancer."

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The power of pink. Courtney Justice and Ashley Nielson organized a dinner party in honor of loved ones and friends fighting cancer at this time.
The dinner party was held at Millers Landing on October 26.
Attendees wore pink and the decorations were all pink. A dinner of soup with rolls and desserts was part of the evening of fun and celebration. Justice said they were celebrating, life, love, and courage. She spoke of the admiration she has for all those suffering with cancer and the great example they are to all.
Some lucky attendees won door prizes. Gift baskets were put together for the Honorary guests: Jamie Jensen, Jeana Jensen, Darcey Johansen, Gayle Macdonald and Donna Thomas. Justice and Nielson thanked all the businesses and those who donated food and prizes for the dinner.
A collection jar for a fundraiser for Averie Ward a 2 year old suffering with cancer from Ferron was also there. Gifts for Averie were presented to the school secretary of Ferron, Jackie Behling to take to Averie and her sister who attends the school.
Another part of the evening was the pink leaves on the wall with service projects listed on them. Participants were encouraged to take leaves with special projects on them to complete at home to keep the cycle of love going throughout the community.

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