The Forest Service is seeking information and comments from Federal, State, and local agencies as well as individuals and organizations that may be interested in, or affected by the proposed Joes Valley Pavilion Project. This area is located on the Ferron-Price Ranger District, Manti-La Sal National Forest in Emery County, Utah. We invite your written comments and suggestions on the issues related to the proposal and the area being analyzed. The purpose of this comment period is to provide an opportunity for the public to provide early and meaningful participation on a proposed action prior to a decision being made by the Responsible Official. Information received will be used in the analysis and preparation of the Joes Valley Pavilion Project.
The Ferron Ranger District, Manti-La Sal National Forest proposes to perform maintenance to a paved parking area by constructing a pavilion (50×20) with picnic tables, serving tables, dutch oven stands, and a fire ring.
With the increasing popularity of Joes Valley Reservoir, there are several opportunities for single and double site camping. Opportunities for large groups of people to enjoy the area at a single time are limited. This project would take place on a site that has already been heavily disturbed through the use of heavy equipment. The site is paved and already in shape to become an additional group site for the Joes Valley Reservoir area.
Written, facsimile, hand-delivered, oral, and electronic comments must be received February 16, 2017.
Written comments must be submitted to: Ferron/Price District Ranger, P.O. Box 310, Ferron, UT 84523. The office business hours for persons submitting hand-delivered comments are: 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Oral comments must be provided at the address above during normal business hours via telephone (435) 384-2372 or in person; or at an official agency function (i.e. public meeting) that is designed to elicit public comments. Electronic comments must be submitted in rich text format (.rtf) or Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe (.pdf) to e-mail:
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