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Helicopter helps with Emery County Rescue


The Utah Department of Public Safety helicopter comes to the rescue of stranded rafters.

By Emery County Sheriff’s Office

On Thursday afternoon, June 1, Emery County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch received a satellite phone call from a man reporting that he and his wife were floating the San Rafael River and their canoe had capsized. He stated that he was able to make it to shore, but his wife was missing.
 ECSO personnel and Emery County Search and Rescue were immediately dispatched to the area between Fuller’s Bottom and Swinging Bridge.
Men were positioned in the river, in side canyons along the river, and from overlook areas. The Department of Public Safety helicopter was dispatched from Salt Lake City and landed at ECSO to pick up an Emery County search and rescue member.
The helicopter located the woman in the river eight miles from where the canoe had capsized. The woman was wearing a life jacket and had been able to hold on to the canoe the entire time.
Based on when ECSO received the initial call, the woman had been in the cold water for around 4 hours. Quick response by ECSO and search and rescue personnel in addition to the DPS helicopter made for a happy ending to a very dangerous situation. Emery County residents and visitors are fortunate to have skilled response personnel in Emery County and to have the support of the State DPS helicopter.

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