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Emery golf to play at Millsite on Thursday


emery golf mckoy holt IMG_1522

Emery competed in the fifth tournament of the season at Palisades golf course in Sterling.
 Individual scores were.
Oakley Toomer  87
Shaidyn Killpack  95
Koda Alton  95
Jordan Ekker 96
Logan Healy  101
Devin Guymon  103
Taylor Lindsey  108
Austin Albrecht 115
Team score are as follows
North Sanpete 301
Grand  316
Richfield  333
South Sevier  335
Manti 341
San Juan  361
Emery 373
North Sanpete is currently leading the region Grand is in second. Emery is currently in last place. The match this week is at Millsite Golf Course.

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